Unlimited practice material
Personalised language training with unlimited practice material that is perfectly tailored to your learning objectives and integrates seamlessly into your curriculum. The Language Coach is geared towards the personal interests of your learners - whether for everyday life or professional life.Digital classroom
Our digital learning platform enriches traditional teaching with innovative approaches. The Language Coach supports language schools in adapting perfectly to the growing needs of their learners.
CEFR-compliant language exercises
We offer exercises based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Tailored to your curriculum
Additional AI-generated exercises that fit perfectly with your existing teaching material.
Personalised communication exercises
You and your learners can create your own language exercises for every conceivable situation at the touch of a button.
Diverse language training
All language skills are trained in a varied way using our exercise formats.
Direct correction and individual feedback
Individual feedback after each task for efficient learning support and maximum learning progress.
Efficient learning management
Transparent overview for course instructors of the learning progress of each individual.
Smooth course management
Efficient management of courses, course participants and licenses for full control.
For self-learners
Your daily companion to master every communication situation!
For language schools
Personalised language training to complement your language course.